Recipe for Ayurvedic Besan Tortillas

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The base of this delicious meal is a gluten-free, garbanzo flour (also known as besan) “tortilla” that is a delicious and healthy supplement to many meals. Not only is it incredibly simple and fast to make, but it is packed with protein and essential nutrients such as fiber, folate, magnesium and manganese.

This meal is perfect when you want something quick but healthy. Even more strapped for time? Use the garbanzo tortilla as a flatbread base for mashed avocado “toast.”

Tortilla Ingredients (Makes 4):

¾ cup garbanzo flour

¼ cup tapioca flour (this optional - you can make the tortillas with 1 cup of garbanzo flour, but the tapioca flour adds some pliability)

1 cup water

1 tsp olive oil (optional - makes them flip a bit easier)

Dash of salt

In a large mixing bowl, mix all of the above ingredients well. Let sit 10 minutes. Pour batter (about one ladle-full at a time) into an oiled or nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook a few minutes each side (until beginning to brown). You can then add the fixings below, depending on your preference or doshic type. 

  • Taco Filling for Vata

    • Bell pepper (sauteed or roasted)

    • Sweet potato (sauteed or roasted)

    • Rice

    • Diced tomatoes (fresh or canned)

    • Spices: Cumin, cardamom, fresh ginger, black pepper

  • Taco Filling for Pitta

    • Sweet potato

    • Black beans

    • Avocado

    • Mixed greens

    • Spices: cumin, coriander, dash of salt, fresh cilantro

  • Taco Filling for Kapha

    • Bell or pasilla pepper

    • Onions

    • Barley

    • Spices: black pepper, cayenne, cumin, coriander, dry ginger

Christina Miller